(As Amended July 10, 2010)
The name of this chapter is The Riverside Writers Chapter of the Virginia Writers Club (VWC).
It is established as a non-profit organization.
Section 1. Mission. The mission of this Chapter is to celebrate the art and craft of writing by
offering writers opportunities for personal and professional interaction with other writers;
strengthening skills in the art, craft and business of writing; and advocating the literary arts in the
broader local community.
Section 2. Objective. This Chapter is organized for educational purposes, to the service and
benefit of its Members and the communities it serves.
The Chapter area shall consist of the City of Fredericksburg, the counties of Caroline, King
George, Louisa, Spotsylvania, and Stafford, and portions of the adjacent areas.
Section 1. Classes of membership. The sole class of membership shall be Active. The Executive
Committee, with the approval of the membership, may add other classes as warranted, e.g.,
Corporate, Life, Honorary, et al.
Section 2. Active membership. Candidates for active membership include all writers, published
and unpublished, who support the Chapter’s Mission and Objective, and desire to belong to the
Section 3. Voting Rights. Only Active members of the Riverside Writers in good standing may
elect their officers and/or vote on matters brought before the membership.
Section 4. Termination of Membership. A member may be terminated by resignation, non-
payment of dues, or expulsion by the Executive Committee for just cause (see Section 4a.). In
the latter case, three or more members must petition the Executive Committee for this action, and
charges must be conveyed in writing to the member accused. Said member then has the right to
contest the decision, but must give written notice of that intention within 30 (thirty) days of
receipt of notice of Executive Committee action.
Section 4a. Definitions. “Resignation” shall be defined as delivery of written intent to terminate
Chapter membership. “Non-payment of dues” shall be defined as failure to pay annual Chapter
dues by April 15 of the year in which they are due. “Just cause” shall be defined as willful and
deliberate behavior detrimental to the Mission and Objective of this Chapter.
Section 5. Reinstatement of Membership. A former member terminated for non-payment of dues
may be reinstated by the payment of current annual dues. A former member terminated by
resignation must complete a new application for membership, including payment of current dues.
All elective offices shall be filled by members in good standing, i.e., current in their dues. There shall be a
President, Vice President, Secretary, and a Treasurer. These positions shall be filled by a majority vote of
the members present at the Annual Meeting. See ARTICLE VII, Section 1, for Annual Meeting.
Section 1. President. The President is the Chief Executive Officer of this Chapter and shall
preside over the Executive Committee and all Chapter meetings. The President shall be
responsible for the general management of this Chapter. The President is an ex officio member
of all committees except the Nominating Committee. The President may call meetings of the
membership and the Executive Committee as necessary.
Section 2. Vice President. The Vice President shall assume the duties of the President during the
President’s absence, or inability to serve, and when the position becomes vacant. Other duties
include those assigned by the President or the Executive Committee.
Section 3. Secretary. The Secretary shall keep a record of all meetings of the membership and the
Executive Committee, and shall have custody of all this Chapter’s records (except those of the
Treasurer). The Secretary shall give not less than 24 hours advance notice of any special
meetings of the general membership, through a system designated by the President. The
Secretary shall maintain a list of officers with their terms of office indicated. The Secretary shall
maintain a record of all members in good standing, and make available current rosters at the first
meeting of the fiscal year and at such times as may be requested by the President or Executive
Committee. The Secretary shall conduct such correspondence as may be directed by the
President or Executive Committee.
Section 4. Treasurer. The Treasurer shall keep the money accounts of this Chapter and make
such reports as directed by the President or Executive Committee.
The Treasurer shall:
1. Receive all funds and maintain the Chapter’s bank accounts.
2. Pay all proper bills of this Chapter.
3. Keep current the roster of members.
4. Make the books of the Treasurer available for audit at times determined by the
President or the Executive Committee.
Section 5. Terms of Office. The terms of office shall run for two years except for the charter
year. The charter year terms of office shall be staggered and be for one or two years so as to
establish a rotation among the positions. Terms shall be the same as the fiscal year. The President
may serve no more than two consecutive terms.
Section 6. Vacancies. The Executive Committee may fill, by appointment from amongst eligible
members in good standing, vacancies for unexpired officers' terms occurring between regular
Section 1. Nominations. The Executive Committee will approve a Nominating Committee of
three or more members. The Nominating Committee shall present at least one candidate for each
office to be filled, in a report to be presented to the membership at the general meeting in the
month prior to the Annual Meeting. At that time, any member may make nominations from the
floor. Nominations also may be made from the floor at the Annual Meeting. Following this
meeting, and not less than two weeks prior to the Annual Meeting, the slate of candidates will be
posted to the Web site. See ARTICLE VII, Section 1, for Annual Meeting.
Section 3. Elections. The election of officers will be at the Annual Meeting. A majority of
members present shall constitute election of chapter officers. A quorum of at least five Active
Members is required.
Section 1. Meetings of members. This Chapter's general meetings may be monthly and at a time
and place approved by the Executive Committee. The Annual Meeting shall be in November at
the regular time and place established, or at such time and place as shall be announced not less
than two weeks in advance. The President or Executive Committee may call such special
meetings as deemed necessary. Guests are welcome at all general meetings.
Section 2. Other Meetings. The Executive Committee will meet at the call of the President or by
written request of two or more members of the Executive Committee. All other committees’
meetings will be at the call of the committee chair or President.
Section 1. Board of Governors. A Board of Governors may be established by the membership on
recommendation of the Executive Committee.
Section 1. Fiscal Year. The Fiscal Year shall be from January 1 through December 31.
Section 2. Dues and Fees. A. The VWC dues will be set by the Board of Governors of the VWC.
B. The Riverside Writers Chapter dues will be set by the Executive Committee of the Riverside
Writers Chapter.
Section 3. Bonding. This Chapter or Executive Committee may require any officer to be bonded
to protect the Chapter. The cost of such bonding will be paid by the Chapter.
New sections:
Section 1. Designation. The Executive Committee may designate such committees, standing or
ad hoc, as deemed necessary to carry out the purpose and/or business of the Chapter.
Section 2. Appointment and Term. Except as otherwise provided in these Bylaws, committee
members shall be selected in such manner as set by the Executive Committee, shall have such
duties as the Executive Committee may assign, and shall serve at the pleasure of the Executive
Section 3. Committee Chairs. The President will appoint all committee chairs, except the chair of
the Nominating Committee.
Section 4. Executive Committee. This committee will be chaired by the President and consist of
the elected Chapter officers. The immediate Past President, and such members as the
President chooses to add, may be asked to serve in an advisory capacity without vote. This
committee will approve all applications for membership.
Section 5. Nominating Committee. This committee will consist of three or more members
approved by the Executive Committee. The President may not serve on this committee. The
Nominating Committee shall not nominate any of its members for any office defined under
Article V.; however, they may be nominated from the floor in accordance with ARTICLE VI,
Section 1.
Section 6. Program Committee. This committee working with the President and Executive
Committee, schedules speakers or other programs, and informs the President in writing of the
agreed start time and estimated duration. The President then writes the meeting’s agenda in
consideration of these time constraints. Should the program run longer than anticipated, the
President may, within his or her discretion, adjust the meeting’s schedule to facilitate smooth
completion of the program or speaker’s presentation.
Section 7. Other Committees. Such committees as are deemed necessary by the President or the
Executive Committee may be appointed by the President. The President will appoint all
committee chairs, except the chair of the Nominating Committee.
Section 1. Robert's Rules of Order shall be the parliamentary authority of The Riverside Writers
Chapter in all cases in which they are applicable and do not conflict with these bylaws or the
bylaws of the VWC.
Section 2. If a court of competent jurisdiction at any time holds any portion of these Bylaws
invalid, the remainder thereof shall not be affected and shall remain in force.
(As Amended July 10, 2010)
The name of this chapter is The Riverside Writers Chapter of the Virginia Writers Club (VWC).
It is established as a non-profit organization.
Section 1. Mission. The mission of this Chapter is to celebrate the art and craft of writing by
offering writers opportunities for personal and professional interaction with other writers;
strengthening skills in the art, craft and business of writing; and advocating the literary arts in the
broader local community.
Section 2. Objective. This Chapter is organized for educational purposes, to the service and
benefit of its Members and the communities it serves.
The Chapter area shall consist of the City of Fredericksburg, the counties of Caroline, King
George, Louisa, Spotsylvania, and Stafford, and portions of the adjacent areas.
Section 1. Classes of membership. The sole class of membership shall be Active. The Executive
Committee, with the approval of the membership, may add other classes as warranted, e.g.,
Corporate, Life, Honorary, et al.
Section 2. Active membership. Candidates for active membership include all writers, published
and unpublished, who support the Chapter’s Mission and Objective, and desire to belong to the
Section 3. Voting Rights. Only Active members of the Riverside Writers in good standing may
elect their officers and/or vote on matters brought before the membership.
Section 4. Termination of Membership. A member may be terminated by resignation, non-
payment of dues, or expulsion by the Executive Committee for just cause (see Section 4a.). In
the latter case, three or more members must petition the Executive Committee for this action, and
charges must be conveyed in writing to the member accused. Said member then has the right to
contest the decision, but must give written notice of that intention within 30 (thirty) days of
receipt of notice of Executive Committee action.
Section 4a. Definitions. “Resignation” shall be defined as delivery of written intent to terminate
Chapter membership. “Non-payment of dues” shall be defined as failure to pay annual Chapter
dues by April 15 of the year in which they are due. “Just cause” shall be defined as willful and
deliberate behavior detrimental to the Mission and Objective of this Chapter.
Section 5. Reinstatement of Membership. A former member terminated for non-payment of dues
may be reinstated by the payment of current annual dues. A former member terminated by
resignation must complete a new application for membership, including payment of current dues.
All elective offices shall be filled by members in good standing, i.e., current in their dues. There shall be a
President, Vice President, Secretary, and a Treasurer. These positions shall be filled by a majority vote of
the members present at the Annual Meeting. See ARTICLE VII, Section 1, for Annual Meeting.
Section 1. President. The President is the Chief Executive Officer of this Chapter and shall
preside over the Executive Committee and all Chapter meetings. The President shall be
responsible for the general management of this Chapter. The President is an ex officio member
of all committees except the Nominating Committee. The President may call meetings of the
membership and the Executive Committee as necessary.
Section 2. Vice President. The Vice President shall assume the duties of the President during the
President’s absence, or inability to serve, and when the position becomes vacant. Other duties
include those assigned by the President or the Executive Committee.
Section 3. Secretary. The Secretary shall keep a record of all meetings of the membership and the
Executive Committee, and shall have custody of all this Chapter’s records (except those of the
Treasurer). The Secretary shall give not less than 24 hours advance notice of any special
meetings of the general membership, through a system designated by the President. The
Secretary shall maintain a list of officers with their terms of office indicated. The Secretary shall
maintain a record of all members in good standing, and make available current rosters at the first
meeting of the fiscal year and at such times as may be requested by the President or Executive
Committee. The Secretary shall conduct such correspondence as may be directed by the
President or Executive Committee.
Section 4. Treasurer. The Treasurer shall keep the money accounts of this Chapter and make
such reports as directed by the President or Executive Committee.
The Treasurer shall:
1. Receive all funds and maintain the Chapter’s bank accounts.
2. Pay all proper bills of this Chapter.
3. Keep current the roster of members.
4. Make the books of the Treasurer available for audit at times determined by the
President or the Executive Committee.
Section 5. Terms of Office. The terms of office shall run for two years except for the charter
year. The charter year terms of office shall be staggered and be for one or two years so as to
establish a rotation among the positions. Terms shall be the same as the fiscal year. The President
may serve no more than two consecutive terms.
Section 6. Vacancies. The Executive Committee may fill, by appointment from amongst eligible
members in good standing, vacancies for unexpired officers' terms occurring between regular
Section 1. Nominations. The Executive Committee will approve a Nominating Committee of
three or more members. The Nominating Committee shall present at least one candidate for each
office to be filled, in a report to be presented to the membership at the general meeting in the
month prior to the Annual Meeting. At that time, any member may make nominations from the
floor. Nominations also may be made from the floor at the Annual Meeting. Following this
meeting, and not less than two weeks prior to the Annual Meeting, the slate of candidates will be
posted to the Web site. See ARTICLE VII, Section 1, for Annual Meeting.
Section 3. Elections. The election of officers will be at the Annual Meeting. A majority of
members present shall constitute election of chapter officers. A quorum of at least five Active
Members is required.
Section 1. Meetings of members. This Chapter's general meetings may be monthly and at a time
and place approved by the Executive Committee. The Annual Meeting shall be in November at
the regular time and place established, or at such time and place as shall be announced not less
than two weeks in advance. The President or Executive Committee may call such special
meetings as deemed necessary. Guests are welcome at all general meetings.
Section 2. Other Meetings. The Executive Committee will meet at the call of the President or by
written request of two or more members of the Executive Committee. All other committees’
meetings will be at the call of the committee chair or President.
Section 1. Board of Governors. A Board of Governors may be established by the membership on
recommendation of the Executive Committee.
Section 1. Fiscal Year. The Fiscal Year shall be from January 1 through December 31.
Section 2. Dues and Fees. A. The VWC dues will be set by the Board of Governors of the VWC.
B. The Riverside Writers Chapter dues will be set by the Executive Committee of the Riverside
Writers Chapter.
Section 3. Bonding. This Chapter or Executive Committee may require any officer to be bonded
to protect the Chapter. The cost of such bonding will be paid by the Chapter.
New sections:
Section 1. Designation. The Executive Committee may designate such committees, standing or
ad hoc, as deemed necessary to carry out the purpose and/or business of the Chapter.
Section 2. Appointment and Term. Except as otherwise provided in these Bylaws, committee
members shall be selected in such manner as set by the Executive Committee, shall have such
duties as the Executive Committee may assign, and shall serve at the pleasure of the Executive
Section 3. Committee Chairs. The President will appoint all committee chairs, except the chair of
the Nominating Committee.
Section 4. Executive Committee. This committee will be chaired by the President and consist of
the elected Chapter officers. The immediate Past President, and such members as the
President chooses to add, may be asked to serve in an advisory capacity without vote. This
committee will approve all applications for membership.
Section 5. Nominating Committee. This committee will consist of three or more members
approved by the Executive Committee. The President may not serve on this committee. The
Nominating Committee shall not nominate any of its members for any office defined under
Article V.; however, they may be nominated from the floor in accordance with ARTICLE VI,
Section 1.
Section 6. Program Committee. This committee working with the President and Executive
Committee, schedules speakers or other programs, and informs the President in writing of the
agreed start time and estimated duration. The President then writes the meeting’s agenda in
consideration of these time constraints. Should the program run longer than anticipated, the
President may, within his or her discretion, adjust the meeting’s schedule to facilitate smooth
completion of the program or speaker’s presentation.
Section 7. Other Committees. Such committees as are deemed necessary by the President or the
Executive Committee may be appointed by the President. The President will appoint all
committee chairs, except the chair of the Nominating Committee.
Section 1. Robert's Rules of Order shall be the parliamentary authority of The Riverside Writers
Chapter in all cases in which they are applicable and do not conflict with these bylaws or the
bylaws of the VWC.
Section 2. If a court of competent jurisdiction at any time holds any portion of these Bylaws
invalid, the remainder thereof shall not be affected and shall remain in force.